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There's nothing quite like taking on the dirt and rough terrain in an off-road adventure!! Our trails need to be groomed and riding them is the best way to do it!! Next weekend, June 13th and 14th, Coleman's Creek is opening up ALL trails for members and their guests only. ALL GUN RANGES WILL BE CLOSED for repair and maintenance.


This weekend ONLY, Members can bring UNLIMITED guests. The fees are as follows:


 - Members (who joined prior to June 1st) - Ride for free

 - Members (who joined after May 31st) & any Guest:

 - UTVs - $35 plus $5 for each occupant/non-drivers.

 - ATVs and motocross bikes - $25


Hungry or thirsty? Between 11a-1pm we’ll be grilling hot dogs and hamburgers at the Range House. Come get a hot dog AND hamburger, chips and a drink for 5 bucks.


** For those of you who don't want to ride but want to come out for a Member Work Day – we will be working on the range targets and other fun work projects. Please join us and if you have one - bring your weed eaters and/or backpack sprayers. We'll provide the gas, chemicals AND LUNCH for anyone who works!!


And last but not least, a member newsletter will be sent out soon. It will have details about the Sniper Competition in August, training classes, Sniper Golf, and range/facility improvements.


We really appreciate all our members and look forward to seeing you next weekend!

Many thanks,

Your team at Coleman's Creek

June 13

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June 15

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